Music Minus one for Lyric OPERA Singer
Music Minus One series of Instrumental tracks special designed for Opera Singer that can be used in singing competitions and practice.
The catalog is under construction and instrumental bases are available in the orchestral version at the original tune key.
In this page you will find some of the titles available. (The instumental bases are available in MP3 format at 256k or in WAV format (PCM) 16Bit
Don't forget to look at the YouTube Channel where you can find demos to listn the quality of our job!
01) Vurria
02) Addio Mia Bella Napoli
03) Ellampare
04) E Vui Durmiti Ancora
05) Addio mia Bella Napoli
06) Canta Pe’ Me
07) Serenata
08) Come le Rose
09) Vuto è marenaru
10) La Mia Canzone al Vento
11) Lodoletta - Ah! Ritrovarla nella sua capanna
For those who are interested to contact us Just sign up here at Fermusic Media records you will receive a welcome email tha can be used for request info.
Important : WE ACCEPT REQUEST ABOUT SONGS THAT ARE NOT in the List (we need time but we are able to sutisfy any request related to Instrumental tracks of any song)... Just contact us!